terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

DOWNLOAD: Música da promo de "My Brother's Keeper" - episódio 4.07

Foram muitos os pedidos, pelo twitter, facebook e pelos comentários em nosso chat, da música que tocou no fundo da nova promo do episódio 07 -  "My Brother's Keeper" que somente irá ser exibido no dia 29/11 por causa do hiato do Dia de Ação de Graças, como já publicamos aqui. O nome dela é Dirty and Clean da cantora Stephanie Schneiderman. Abaixo vocês poderão ouvir, baixar e ler a letra.


There is a ghost 
Deep in my throat 
Shoving it down 
Speak and you choke 
Every fire 
Sharpens the flood 
Throbbing and wild 
Stained in blood 
And each little lie 
Making mountains 
Mountains i climb 
Wasting my time 
Wasting my time 
Feeding the fire 
Teasing the lies 
With dirt in my eyes 
Ohh dirt in my eyes…. 
Pissed it away 
The heroes are gone 
Dirt in their sheets 
Rum on their tongues 
Somewhere between 
Dirty and clean 
Water and smoke 
Laugh and you choke 
Ohh dirt in my eyes… 
There is a ghost 
Deep in my throat 
Shoving it down 
Speak and you choke 
Somewhere between 
Dirty and clean 
The truth and the lie 
With dirt in my eyes 
Ohh dirt in my eyes… 
10 guilty 
Where would i go 
How would i know 
Where would i stand 
If you never loved 
You couldn’t show 
You didn’t know 
You’d never hold my hand 
Long enough for me to 
Feel past your fingertips 
They’d never linger like 
Your lips would linger on mine 
You’d lay your eyes on me 
Then lay goodbyes on me 
Every everytime 

And i charge you with this 
That you really loved me 
And i could feel it in your kiss yes yes 
That you really love 
And you wouldn’t admit to me 
I find you guilty 
Of really loving me 
You were afraid 
You couldn’t stay 
You’d never say 
The truth behind your eyes 
You’d tell me lies 
You’d criticize 
But i wouldn’t buy it 
Cause i could see right through you 
You wouldn’t give me the time of your day 
You’d only give me your nights one way 

I wouldn’t buy it your coolness the quiet 
Your lie is a riot to me 
You wouldn’t give me your love 
You were way far above 
Like a dark brooding cloud 
Over see

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